Mambo is the priestess or the female priest of the voodoo religion. A mambo has many roles. Unlike houngans whose functions are limited, or not defined, mambo has various roles in the voodoo religion. They act as a counselor, healer, sometimes exorcists, or village advisors even. Their roles are as diverse as their clothing. They are also possessed by the great spirits of Lao. Lao can be called upon by them when the need arises, or when the Lao themselves decide to grace them with their presence. They often oversee the possession of others as well.

Mambos are given this title of the priesthood after they go through several kinds and stages of rituals. Although not many people who are outside of the priesthood are often graced by the spirits as they do not have enough knowledge to interpret the signs and warnings of the spirits. Only mambo or houngans, who are qualified and possess the knowledge are often and usually graced by these ancient spirits. Mambos then interpret the messages of the spirits to lessen the distance between the realm of spirits and physical beings.