What is Palmistry?

Palmistry is the art of interpreting personality traits and predicting future events by analysing the physical features of the hands. Hands are regarded as portals that provide invaluable insight in palm reading. The art of palmistry does not only involve reading palm lines, but also dealing with the shape of fingers, nails, colour, and surface of skin on the palm to forecast the future, and thus it has always piqued the interest of the layman. There are many theories as to where the art of palmistry originated, but it is believed that it originated in Greece during the time of Aristotle, who discovered the art of palmistry and then gifted it to Alexander the Great, who used it to predict the fate of his soldiers as well as his reign. Aristotle said about palmistry, “the lines in a person’s palm are not carved without a reason, but they convey the predictions related to our future.” According to another belief, palmistry originated in India and was later spread to Greece, Egypt, Persia, and Syria. As a result, it is considered an essential component of Hindu Vedic Astrology. This is the origin of Indian Palmistry, which has its roots in India and has been practiced for a very long time. The importance of both hands cannot be overstated, but in the vast field of palmistry, it is assumed that an individual’s left hand represents his potential while his right hand represents his realistic personality. A person’s right hand represents their future, while their left hand represents their past. Famous Palm Readers believe that a person is born with his left hand, but his right hand is what he has made of it, which means that the left hand represents what God has given us. Each line has a significant impact on an individual’s destiny, so an expert Palmist must conduct a detailed analysis of each line found on the Palm. Recently, the examinations of these Palmistry lines have included medical research that correlates genetic factors and abnormalities to the lines found in our Palm.

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