The Opal, also known as the “Queen of Gems,” is a stunning gemstone. Its incredible pearly white lustre, combined with the auroral display of the vibrant ‘play of colours’ across its surface, makes it one of the world’s most unique gemstones. The planet Venus, or Shukra, rules over the Opal gemstone, as it does over other Vedic gemstones. This planet represents human desire, and its effects bring to its wearer everything that their heart desires.

There are several types of Opal stones, but the three main types of Opal stone are Precious Opal, Common Opal, and Fire Opal.
Importance of Opal Stone:
The Opal stone is thought to act as an ‘invisible shield’ for the wearer against negative influences. A natural Opal stone is an excellent gift for pregnant women because it soothes the mind, relieves depression, protects against nightmares, and resonates with the energy of the Mother Goddess.
It connects the wearer to their spiritual side while also bestowing universal awareness on them. This stone picks up on the wearer’s thoughts, desires, feelings, and emotions and amplifies them, making the wearer more in tune with themselves and others.
It helps to clear the mind and opens it up to rational, logical decision-making while also promoting free thought flow. The Opal stone helps the wearer to overcome negativity by reflecting and providing clarity to the wearer’s mind about the unpleasant emotions or reactions they deliver or receive.
Health benefits of wearing Opal stone:
• Opal stone is beneficial for Blood Purification.
• Aids in the retention of water
• This stone enhances Insulin Production.
• Increases immunity and aids in the fight against fevers and infections.
• Aids in the management of menopause and PMS symptoms
• Opal stone increases Memory Capacity.
• Excellent for the skin, eyes, hair, and nails.
• This stone maintains and controls the Endocrine System.
• Safeguards the Female Reproductive System.
• Provides Neuro-Stability to the Hemispheres of the Brain.
• Headaches and migraines can be cured to some extent with the help of this stone.
Opal Stone’s Emotional and Spiritual Benefits:
• Enhances Emotional Balance
• Seductive and passionate feelings are heightened
• Encourages Positivity and Happiness
• Improves Creativity
• Develops Self-Awareness
• Improves intuition
• Enhances self-esteem and self-worth.
Conclusion: Opal is well-known for its incredible aesthetic and astrological beliefs, which benefit a person in a variety of ways. It also gained a reputable place in the jewellery industry and astrology due to its eye-catching appearance and metaphysical properties. It is a blessing stone for people who are dealing with the malevolent effects of the Venus planet; by wearing this glamorous stone, you can enable several benefits as mentioned above.