When women get married, they have many hopes and expectations of their husbands and in-laws. However, not every man is suitable as a husband. While some people are caring but drink excessively, others are careless and hurtful. Whatever the case, it is critical to control them and change them for a better life. You can perform wazifa to control your husband and pray to Allah to accept your dua. Before you perform wazifa to control your husband, you must first understand the situation.
You may notice that he is constantly deceiving you, or that he is becoming lazy and not earning enough. In both of these cases, you should try to communicate with him and persuade him. However, if this does not work, seek the assistance of an effective and powerful wazifa. Perform full wuzu before performing the wazifa to control the husband. Spray yourself with rose water and then sit on the floor. Concentrate for a few moments, and then repeat this dua for 11 times. Wa ja’alna Meen bayne Aiide heeSadanan meen khal fe heem saddan fa aggshainaa hoom fa hoom la’aa yubserun.” When you say this dua, you will notice that you are receiving positive energy. Make sure to do this when no one else is around. Nobody should know that you are performing a wazifa to control your husband.

After 14 days of doing this correctly, you should notice a difference in your husband’s attitude. He will begin to listen to you and will obey all of your commands. Another wazifa for controlling your husband: When you say this below mentioned dua, you will feel a surge of positive energy. Make a point of doing this when no one else is around. Nobody should know you’re performing a wazifa to keep your husband under control. You should notice a difference in your husband’s attitude after 14 days of doing this correctly.
He’ll start listening to you and obeying all of your commands. There are times when husbands get involved in an illicit relationship at work or in their neighbourhood. They spend a lot of money, come home late, and don’t take care of their wives. While we wait for them to return, they attend parties and go on trips. The only way to solve this is to be able to control your husband’s mind, so that he gets out of that illegal relationship and starts loving you like before. At first, pray to Allah and seek His blessing before performing this wazifa. Begin on a Wednesday and perform this wazifa after sundown. Make certain that no one can see or hear you. In a closed room, perform this wazifa to control the husband’s mind. Before beginning the wazifa, and perform a wuzu.
The wazifa: Allah Hoommaa Tahhisa Aalaiyaa Aabsaraa Zalee Matihee Wal Moorideenaa Biss Sooi Wa-a Ann Tasrif Qulubuhum Ann Sharri Ma Yazz Meroo Nahi Ila Khairaa Laa Yamm LikahooGairaqa” Recite this wazifa seven times and imagine your husband’s face while doing so to gain control of him. Islamik taweez to control husband: If you discover that your husband is mistreating you, you have several options. To control your husband, you can perform wazifa or use Islamic taweez. Taweez is an amulet with the ability to remove negative energy from your life. It also assists us in attracting positivity and removing all obstacles from our path. Taweez is generally used to improve the concentration of children and make children more obedient.
Similarly, if your husband is not listening to you, you can use a taweez. When you use an Islamic taweez to control your husband, you will discover that he has become exactly the way you want him to be. You must tie the taweez to his arm to witness the magic. Seek Allah’s blessings and beg him to solve your problem before you begin preparing the taweez. Do a full wuzu on Fridays. Then, between the hours of afternoon and evening, take a yellow piece of paper. Write your husband’s name on the paper, followed by “Yaaa Lattee foo.” Aside from that, write “Yaa Wadoodu.” To write on the paper, make a mixture of rosewater and kesar. Please fold the paper after writing and place it in the Islamic taweez to control your husband.
Then on the following Sunday, tie this Islamic taweez to the husband’s body and pray to Allah. You will notice that he is becoming gentler and more loving to you. You have control over him and can make him do whatever you want. All of these wazifa are extremely effective and powerful, with immediate results. However, before performing these dua, it is recommended that you seek proper consultation from a maulvi ji who is well-versed in wazifa or dua. Our maulvi ji is one of the best maulvi ji who has extensive knowledge of these dua and wazifas and is also very experienced in this field. He will provide you with the most appropriate dua for your situation, and you will undoubtedly see positive results. Simply call or text his number to schedule an appointment. Our website will provide you with his phone number.