Each of the twelve houses in astrology represents a different aspect of life. The Sun is the centre of the Universe, and its placement in different houses has a significant impact on an individual’s life. The 7th house governs all aspects of marriage. Thus, the 7th house influences attraction to the opposite gender, the desire to have a partner, sexual fantasies, passion, possessiveness, and the level of understanding towards others. People with the Sun in the 7th house have great potential, but they need the support and bonding of their partners to make their dreams a reality.

Impact on marriage and relationship:
The Sun in the seventh house is the most passionate placement of the Sun, and if someone has this placement in their natal chart, their love life will be very important to them. It represents a highly sensual energy with a constant need for adoration and recognition from others. People with the Sun in the 7th house, can achieve great success in both their personal and professional lives if they find the right partner. They put a lot of time and energy into their relationships and have high expectations of their partners. This holds true for both life and business partners. People with the Sun in the seventh house may take time in finding the right partner. But when they find one, they want to spend the rest of their lives with them. But If their life partner leaves, or moves away, they may be devastated and their life may be severely disrupted due to the effect of the Sun in the 7th house on marriage.
Impact on life and career:
The Sun in the Seventh House has an impact not only on relationships and marriages, but also on life and career. People with this horoscope combination command a high level of respect and esteem from a wide range of people in their lives. Indeed, people with this combination have leadership qualities and can pave the way for their coworkers and even in their personal lives. They are energised by the warmth and affection of others, which is the effect of the Sun in the 7th house in Vedic astrology. As the seventh house is the second house of career, it creates opportunities in government organisations. Natives may achieve success in their profession if the 7th house is strong in their birth chart. They may also make a good living.
Impact on health:
The Sun is a powerful planet, and when it is in the 7th house, it has a positive effect on the native’s health. However, it can sometimes cause skin problems or ulcers. Generally, health issues arise when Venus is in the sixth house or Mars is in the seventh, eighth, or twelfth houses.
Impact on personality traits:
Sun in the 7th House natives enjoy communicating with others and are natural teachers. They are fascinating people with a strong need for love and affection. They aren’t afraid to compliment others, so if someone they know gets a new haircut or outfit, you’ll hear about it first from them. Because they wear their hearts on their sleeves, these people are often easy to read.
Conclusion: The Sun in the 7th House is the most favourable of all Sun placements, and those born with it are blessed with its fullest expression. The Sun in the Seventh House combines elements of romance, fun, and deep thought. This seventh house sun sign has a strong desire to socialise, but it is a refined version of socialising. Their curiosity extends far beyond a casual interest in parties or small talk. They want to gather information and make meaningful connections with others. If you have this placement, your primary source of energy will be your own personal power, which you will be able to access by recognising that your life is a work of art – a beautiful creation flowing from within you, rather than something imagined from without by other people or institutions. You will be driven to realise your full potential and discover your hidden talents, to express yourself and make a spiritual contribution.