Powerful dua Wazifa for love marriage

Love is a strong feeling of caring for someone. Everyone wishes to marry and spend their lives with the person they love. In our society, love marriage is not as desirable as arranged marriage. If you truly love someone, you should tell your parents about it as soon as possible. If your parents disagree with your choice, try to persuade them calmly first. Our government has granted you the right to choose your soul mate, but you must get your parents to agree. They brought you into this world, and you must not disobey them. If your parents are still opposed to your decision, seek the assistance of dua. You can recite a very powerful dua for love marriage in this situation. Make a point of reciting it every day, without fail. You will soon see a positive outcome. • The duration of the dua is 11 days. • Make certain that you are in the form of ablution. • Recite the surah Yaseen Shareef three times. • Recite “Allahu ya fattahu” for 303 times. • Make a dua for love marriage issues and ask for quick solutions. After 11 days, ask your parents about marriage proposals again, and inshallah, they will agree to your marriage. With this wazifa, you must offer namaz on time and recite Quran Pak on a daily basis. Allah never accepts the Dua of someone who does not offer namaz. Wazifa for love marriage Wazifa is intended to imply some verses and phrases to fulfil your desired wish. You can make wazifa for big, small, or general guidance from Allah (SWT). Wazifa for love marriage can assist you in marrying your lover without the disappointment of your parents. In our culture, parents rarely agree on our gender preference. If your parents do not agree with you despite your best efforts, you should not disobey them and instead try to convince them calmly. Wazifa is the most effective way for the bride and groom’s parents to support the marriage. You can ask Allah to assist you. You can perform any wazifa for love marriage. Wazifas that you can perform are listed below. • First and foremost, ensure that you are in the form of ablution. • In the beginning, recite Durood Shareef 36 times. • Recite the following Dua 1200 times. Yaa badeeul aajaa iibu bilkhairi yaa badeeu • You must perform this wazifa for 12 days. • Then, at the end, recite durood shareef 36 times more. • Then, with a pure heart and intentions, pray to Allah Almighty. • You will undoubtedly receive a positive response after performing this wazifa. You will marry your soulmate, inshallah. Powerful pray for love marriage If you support love marriage, society will almost certainly regard it as illegal or immoral. Haram relationships are not tolerated in Islam. If the situation does not favour you, ask Allah Almighty to make things easier for you. Pray five times a day and recite as much Quran-e-Pak as you can. You can pray for a love marriage in order to marry the person you adore. To ensure the success of any prayer, you must adhere to the rules outlined in the Quran. The love marriage wazifa listed below can help your love marriage to get succeed. Make sure that you are in the form of ablution. • This wazifa can only be performed on Thursday. • On approximately seven Thursdays, perform wazifa after two rakaat of nawfil-e-haajat. • Before beginning this wazifa, recite durood Shareef 10 times. • And then recite surah muzamil for 11 times which is in paara no 29. • After that, repeat durood Shareef 10 times more. • Then, for love marriage, pray to Allah Almighty. • Continue saying this wazifa until you receive a positive response. • Inshallah, your heart’s desire will be granted, and you will marry the person you love. These love marriage duas are extremely powerful. These duas, however, should be performed under the supervision of a knowledgeable maulvi ji who is well-versed in these duas and can advise you on the best dua for your situation. These are available from our maulvi ji, who is an expert in this field. He has helped many people with his powerful duas. You can reach him by calling or texting him at his phone number. His phone number is available on our website.