Is Indian astrology true?

Astrology is a science as well as an art. Western astrology and Vedic (Indian) astrology are the two branches of astrology. Each has its own set of fundamentals. While both of these branches’ primary function is to reveal aspects of an individual’s life so that their sufferings, sorrows, and bad luck can be minimised, astrology opens up a world of potential possibilities to be explored.

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Astrology has been practised in India since the Vedic period, and it is also documented in the Vedas. The Vedas, the primary scriptures of Hinduism, refer to Vedic astrology as the study of how planetary movements affect an individual’s life. Vedic astrology or Indian astrology is regarded as the Vedas’ “eye.” And, since ancient times, has guided individuals who have felt lost and confused on their life’s journey.

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Vedic astrology is a lunar-based astrological prediction system that encompasses all aspects of a person’s life. It employs the Vimshottari Dasa system to examine the positions of the planets and their effects on our lives. Vedic astrology takes into account all of the planets, nakshatras, and fixed zodiac signs, positions, and movements, as well as their impact on human life.

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This improves the accuracy and dependability of Vedic astrology. Vedic astrology is also regarded as a sophisticated astrological system. Because this system is based on complex mathematical calculations, it can make accurate and astute predictions. Nakshatras, Dasa, Apaharas, Divisional charts, and other components make up Vedic astrology. These offer in-depth analysis and insight into one’s life. As a result, it is the most accurate of all astrological principles. According to Vedic astrology, all planets move according to the Nirayana system.

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For accurate predictions, the system performs a thorough analysis of the natal chart, including dasas, apaharas, planetary transits, and how they influence us in real time. All of these factors point to Vedic astrology’s accuracy and precision, as well as its detail-oriented methods, tools, and practise, making it the most reliable and advanced form of astrology. Indian astrology studies planetary motions and positions in relation to time and how they affect human life and other entities on Earth.

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While early Vedic or Indian astrology was based solely on the movements of planets in relation to stars, it later expanded to include zodiac signs as well. Vedic astrology, also known as Indian astrology, takes into account 27 constellations, which include 12 zodiac signs, 9 planets, and 12 houses, with each house and planet representing a different aspect of our lives. The 12 signs are distributed among 12 Houses or Bhavas based on when and where an individual is born, and the nine planets are positioned in various Houses. The natal chart, also known as the horoscope, represents this.

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Thus, Vedic astrology aids in interpreting the meaning of constellations of signs and planets and how they affect individuals. The Importance of karma and dharma in Vedic astrology is emphasised. It provides insight into an individual’s personal dharma or life path. It also assists in revealing our unique and innate gifts and challenges, as well as guiding us in better understanding our relationships, particularly with our family, friends, and life partner. This fundamental understanding is the key to overcoming stress and emotional upheavals in our lives. It contributes to a more harmonious and simple way of life. Vedic astrology’s methods are based on planet retrogrades, sun signs, and moon signs. It applies the proposition that each planet has its own unique set of aspects, strengths, and weaknesses that have a significant impact on an individual’s life. Vedic astrology charts are calculated using the sidereal system, which observes changing and observable constellations, as opposed to Western astrology, which is based on the fixed position of planets. In short, Vedic astrology or Indian astrology is true.