Are you looking for dua, wazifa for love marriage proposal? Do you want to get married to the love of your life? If yes then you are at the right place.
Islam clearly states that you should not enter into haram relationships with the intention of making them halal someday, because who promises you tomorrow?
If you have feelings for someone, make a marriage proposal to him or her through your elders. It is simple to fall in love with someone, but it is much more difficult to keep that person for life. Having a friend you respect and want to spend your life with is not difficult, but successfully marrying him/her is difficult, and most of the time impossible. Only Allah Pak can save and assist you in such situations. There are numerous duas you can perform to have your marriage proposal accepted.
Why should you perform dua wazifa for love marriage proposal?
We all want to get married to the person whom we love the most. But sometimes we deal with fear of rejection and for that we can’t even propose the person or let him or her know our genuine feelings. And sometimes it happens that even after proposing him or her he or she is not accepting our proposal. In such situations we literally wish to get proposal from our desired person. If you are someone who also wish the same then relax. This will definitely going to happen. But for that you need to chant islamic dua or wazifas. Islamic dua and wazifas are extremely powerful and if you chant them properly by following all the rules, you will definitely get to see positive results. But before that you must take consultation from a genuine Molvi ji who can guide you properly.
Duas have the ability to change a person’s fate. For marriage proposals, you must recite some wazifa or Dua. You must have faith in Allah (SWT) when reciting Dua and praying that he will make the best decision for you. Allah Pak adores you and will never harm you in any way. The following wazifa will help you in the right way and you will be able to marry the person. ‘Ya Aliyyu’ The above Dua is for those who tried everything but failed to get their marriage proposal accepted. You must read the above Dua at least 2700 times for this wazifa for marriage proposal.

After offering two Rakat of nawfil, recite the Dua. Remember to recite Durood Shareef twice: once at the start and once at the end. Now, at the end of the wazifa, pray to Allah. This Dua has no time limit; you can perform it whenever you want after offering two rakaat nawfil. Wazifa for Love marriage in 3 days Dua is a powerful medium for all humans to communicate with Allah Pak.
Dua will assist you in having a peaceful wedding of your choice. The Wazifa for love marriage mentioned below is an effective remedy to assist lovers in getting married with ease. If your parents are opposed to your marriage with your lover and you want to persuade them, simply recite this wazifa and In sha Allah. Your parents will be prepared for your wedding. Your love will eventually succeed,”and you will marry the person of your choice.
The instructions for a love marriage wazifa in three days are provided below. You must carefully follow these instructions.
• Offer obligatory prayer before performing the wazifa.
• Then recite Ayat-ul-Kursi, also known as the Throne Verse.
• Consider your goal after arriving at “YA ‘A LAMOO.
• Continue reciting and close your little finger on your left hand when you reach “KHALFAHUM.”
• After you arrive at “BIMA-SHA-A,” close your left hand’s ring finger. Close the right hand’s middle finger at “WALARD.” • At the “HIFZUHOOMA” part, close your left index finger.
• Close the thumb on the left hand after reaching part “AZEEM.”
• Recite Surah “ALAM NASHRAH” three times while sitting with all of your fingers closed.
• Then recite Surah Ikhlas three times, followed by Durood Shareef.
• Then blow up into the sky. After that, say Bismillah.
• When you get to “WALAD-DALEEN,” say Ameen and open your right little finger.
• Recite Bismillah and Surah Faith once more. When you reach “WALAD-DALEEN,” say Ameen and open your right ring finger. You must recite the above in the same order that you closed your fingers. Raise your hands in prayer when all of your fingers are open. Request that Allah (SWT) grant your wish to marry your beloved. Wazifa for Love marriage Surah Ikhlas Nowadays, marrying the person of your choice is very common. But it can be difficult to work things out and keep that person for life. If you want to marry someone and want everything to go smoothly and smoothly.
You should make some dua or wazifa for that. Surah Ikhlas is one of the Quran Pak’s shortest surahs. It has numerous benefits that will assist you in a variety of situations.
• For the wazifa of choice marriage, offer 2 Rakat of nawfil (for the choice marriage) and then recite “YA LATIFO” as many times as you can.
• Before going to bed, recite Durood Shareef 11 times and then Surah Ikhlas 3021 times.
• Consider your marriage proposal problem while reciting Surah Ikhlas.
• Recite Durood Shareef 11 times after Surah Ikhlas and pray to Allah (SWT) for your goal.
• Inshallah, your problem will be resolved within 21 days. The dua for immediate marriage proposal will eventually lead to you marrying the person you want. These duas and wazifas are undeniably powerful and effective. However, all of these duas must be performed under the supervision of an experienced maulvi ji who is well-versed in all of these duas. No one can compete with our maulvi ji in such matters. He is well-versed in all duas and wazifas and will guide you through the entire process. So, if you’re looking for powerful dua, get in touch with our maulvi ji right away. You can get in touch with him by texting or calling his phone number. His phone number can be found on our website.