Dua to stop marriage

In our culture, parents constantly want to exert control over their children and try to implement their decisions in every aspect of their lives. They always want to make decisions for their children, whether it is about education, career, or marriage. They bring their child into the world, and no matter what, they adore them. When it comes to marriage, they want to pick their child’s life partner. They didn’t always ask their children about their preferences and the type of partner they desired. In the twenty-first century, there are some families and places where considering a child’s decision is wrong, and a boy or girl does not have the right to show his consent in marriage. If your parents have decided to marry you to their chosen person, you will need dua to stop the marriage. This type of person clearly did not understand Islam, which clearly stated that parents should not make any decision about their child’s marriage without their consent. If your parents are not listening to you and are forcing you to marry without your consent. You must try to remain calm in the face of the situation and explain to our parents why you do not want to marry. If your efforts are futile, make some wazifa or Dua to Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) adores you and will undoubtedly make things easier for you. The Dua procedure for ending a marriage is outlined below. • Prayer for Fajar • 11 times recite DuroodShareef • Say Surah Lahab 41 times. Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem Tab bat yadaa abee Lahabinw-wa tabb Repeat Durood Shareef 11 times more. Take two crystals of salt and blow on both people’s names. After reciting that, ask Allah (SWT) to help you with your problem. Follow this procedure for 21 days. In shaa Allah, your problem will be resolved within a few days. Wazifa to stop Forced Marriage Everyone has the right to make his or her own choices in life. When it comes to marriage, Islam allows a person to choose his or her own partner. But, unfortunately, we are all victims of backward thinking and do not take into account boy/girl marriage concerns. Forced marriage is a sin in Islam, and parents should not force their children to marry. Arranged marriages are acceptable and encouraged in Islam, but it should be based on the child. If your parents are forcing you to marry against your will, you should try to work out a solution with the help of relatives or friends. Most of the time, you are alone in that situation, so stand up for yourself and make the decision for yourself. If the situation worsens and appears unsolvable, you must use our wazifa to stop forced marriage. During this situation, you must recite some dua or perform some wazifa. Dua can change anyone’s fate and make any situation easier for you. Five times a day, offer Salah, and recite the Quran-e-Pak. During this situation, recite HasbunaAllahuwani’mal wakil as much as you can. It is a very powerful Dua that can solve any problem with the blessings of Allah (SWT). The meaning of this dua is that Allah is sufficient and is the best disposer of the situation. Dua to stop Husband from getting married for the second time Islam understands the needs and desires of women, which is why there are some very strict rules regarding second marriages in Islam. If a man wishes to marry another woman and can treat both of his wives equally, the woman should allow her husband to marry another woman. The first wife’s consent is not required for a man, but he must treat his first wife with kindness and good manners in order to reduce the natural hurt over time. If a woman is unable to share her husband with another woman, Islam grants her the right to take khula from him. However, if a woman wishes to prevent her husband from having a second marriage, she must discuss the matter with both her husband and her in-laws. Try to resolve the situation at home by having a proper conversation. You can also make a dua wazifa to ask Allah (SWT) for assistance. Recite “YA MANIIOO YA ALLAHO” as many times as possible after each Salah. Recite Durood Shareef both at the beginning and at the end. After finishing wazifa, pray to Allah (SWT) with a pure heart and intentions. You will see results in a few days, inshallah.