Dua to change someone’s mind

Sometimes you need a favour or assistance from someone but cannot ask him or her to do it for you. You desperately need something, but the people won’t let you have it. For example, you want your boss to review your salary, but you can’t ask him directly. It could be against the rules, or your boss may object. You want to persuade your parents to change their minds about something, but you can’t. You want your partner or in-laws to change their mind about you if they do not respect your opinion. All you want in any of the scenarios described above is to change someone’s mind to your advantage. Unfortunately, we do not have any magic tricks like movies to change anyone’s opinion about something or to control anyone’s mind. In the Quran-e-Pak Allah, dua is given as a solution to every problem that a human encounters in his life. If you want someone to help you or change someone’s mind, read the following Dua to change someone’s mind: “Inna Allah Yusmiyu Mayyashao” Following this, recites the Dua Surah Fatir verse 22 for 111 times. Wa maa yastawil ahyaaa’u wa lal amwaat After reciting the above verse, blow it on the person whose mind you wish to change. If the person lives far away, recite the Dua while thinking about him/her and then blow it on his/her picture. Dua to change husband’s mind Every wife wants her husband to listen to her and value her opinion after marriage. It is sometimes simple to persuade your husband to meet your demands, but other times it is extremely difficult. After a few years of marriage, the husband begins to value his wife’s opinion, but it is difficult to make your husband believe you for things at first. So, in Islam, here is a dua to easily change your husband’s mind within a few days. At first, both partners should listen to each other’s problems calmly and try to solve them together. If your husband does not listen to you and you want to change his opinion of you or something else. There is a dua called Al-Fatihah in the Quran-e-Pak that will solve your problem. Surah Al-Fatihah, also known as Umm-al-Quran, is an incomparable Surah of the Holy Quran, and Muslims recite it in every prayer. You can recite Surah Al-Fatihah verses to change your husband’s mind about anything. The following is the procedure for reciting this Dua: • Perform ablution • Recite Durood Shareef three times at the start. • Then, for 14 days, recite a verse of Surah Fatihah “Iyyaka Na Badu Wa Iyyaka Nas Taeen” for 108 times and the entire Surah 31 times. • Finally, recite Durood Shareef three times. You can perform this Dua after the noon prayer. In sha Allah, you will see results after a few days of doing so. Make certain that you do not miss a day while performing this Dua. Dua to change Parent’s Mind In this post, we will look at how Islamic methods, such as dua, can be used to persuade parents to change their minds. In our culture, parents rarely consider their children’s opinions, even when making life decisions for themselves. If you want to choose a career or a life partner, your parents will disregard your opinion and press you to agree with their choices. It is easy to agree with your parents’ choices as a child, but as an adult, you want to be in charge of your life and make decisions. Any religion or culture in the world does not permit you to disrespect your parents in order to fulfil your desires. You must maintain your patience when you disagree with your parents. You will be upset if your parents reject something you like, but try to persuade your parents to agree to your decision in a calm manner. Explain to them why you want something and why it will be beneficial to you. You must recite our dua despite your efforts. Allah (SWT) will undoubtedly assist you and make things easier for you in this situation. In Islam, you can recite a Dua to persuade your parents to change their minds. The process of reciting Dua Is outlined below. First, you should pray five times a day, which you can do after Salah. Recite “Innalahaa Yusmii uu Mayyaa Shaa” as many times as you can after each Salah. Before and after reciting the above-mentioned Dua, recite Durood Shareef. After finishing this Dua, pray to Allah (SWT) for his assistance in changing your parents’ minds. In shaa Allah, after a few days of reciting this Dua, you will notice a positive outcome. These duas for changing someone’s mind are extremely powerful. However, these duas should be performed under the supervision of a knowledgeable maulvi ji who is well-versed in these duas and can advise you on the most appropriate dua for your situation. You can get these from our maulvi ji, who is an expert in this field. With his powerful duas, he has helped many people. If you want to contact him, simply call or text him at his phone number. Our website can provide you with his phone number.