Are you looking for dua to break a engagement relationship or a Couple? If yes then this post is for you.There are times, when we need to seek dua or wazifas for breaking the relationship or engagement of a couple. In some cases any of our close one is in a wrong relationship and we know that, and for protecting them we need to perform such wazifas. Sometimes our husbands or partners start having relationship with someone else and we need to break that bond and for that we seek dua or wazifas. Because islamic dua or wazifas have immense power and show results quickly. But one need to perform these dua or wazifas only for genuine purpose with pure intentions.
Marriage or engagement is a significant milestone in anyone’s life. Marriage is not a requirement; it is a choice, and anyone must marry with his or her full consent. In our culture, it is common for girls to be engaged or committed without their consent. Most parents are unaware that their children are now adults with the ability to make their own life decisions. Parents should understand their children’s needs before making decisions for them. Even after the engagement, the girl or boy discovers problems in the relationship and wishes to end the engagement, but is unable to do so.
First and foremost, try to communicate with your parents, and if you are unable to do so, obtain dua to break an engagement. An unwanted relationship Is like being in prison or living in a cage; no one wants that. Broken relationships or engagement are not considered good in our culture, so most families oppose it. In that case, you should tell your parents unequivocally that you do not want to marry or get engaged, and they should take your advice into account.

Otherwise, the most effective way to break engagement is to use a dua. Try to explain to them why you are dissatisfied with their decision. During this entire situation, seek assistance by reciting Quran-e-Pak, performing wazifa, or offering Salah. If your parents are not listening to you, there is a powerful Dua that can help you end your engagement.
First and foremost, you should pray five times per day because Allah (SWT) does not accept the prayers of those who do not offer Salah on time. You should recite the following Dua after each Salah, beginning and ending with Durood Shareef. Allahhumma Allif Baiynaa Qulubiinnn Waa Asleehhh Zaataaa Bainiinn Wahdeenaaa Subuulaa Assalaam Waa Najjeenaa Minazzulumaatii ilannoor Then make a Dua to Allah (SWT) for breaking your engagement and requesting mercy from Him.
Dua to Break Relationship Haram, or illicit relationships, are not permitted in Islam. Allah does not forbid anyone from choosing a life partner. However, it forbids anyone from being in a relationship with the intention of marrying in the future. If this occurs, here is a dua to end the relationship. In this world, no one is completely clean because Satan has misled us at least once, and we have done things that are forbidden to us. If a friend, sibling, or relative is in a haram or illegal relationship, it is your responsibility to warn them about the consequences of that relationship.
If they do not listen to your advice, recite the following dua for them. You can also recite this dua if you want to end a relationship with someone but the other person won’t let you. The steps for making that dua are outlined below.
• Recite Durood Shareef for 11 times before fajar prayer.
• After that, recite Surah Lahab 19 times. Tab bat yadaa abee Lahabinw-wa tabb Maa aghna ‘anhu maaluhu wa ma kasab After Surah, recite Durood Shareef 11 times and then blow it on the person for whom you are making this Dua. Do this for a total of 21 days. You will receive results in 21 days, inshallah. Dua for separating two persons Separating two lovers is a sin in Islam.
If you cause a misunderstanding between two people in order to separate them, cause them to fight, or harm them, Allah (SWT) will never forgive you. There are times when you want to separate two people for various reasons. If your husband is having an affair with another woman, you want him to end the relationship. In these cases, dua must be used to separate two people. If your daughter or son wishes to marry someone who is unsuitable for him or her. If you are unable to persuade the other person in the aforementioned situation, you should recite some Dua for the person’s separation.
You don’t want your loved ones to be hurt or to be separated from you. It is permissible to perform Dua to separate two people with good intentions in order to fulfil your desire without causing harm to anyone. You should not perform any wazifa or Dua in order to harm someone. Surah Fil is a small Surah in the Quran-e-Pak that can assist you in this situation. Alam tara kaifa fa’ala rabbuka bi ashaabil feel It’s only a one-day wazifa, and you’ll need some sand for it. Recite Surah fil 21 times while holding the sand in a bowl. Make sure you correctly recite Surah Fil.
Finally, combine the names of two people you want to separate with their mothers’ names. After that, divide the sand in half and throw half of it in each person’s house. If that is not possible, try to keep the sand close to their home. When you recite Surah fil, make sure you are near the homes of two people you want to separate.
Inshaa Allah, you will soon notice a difference in your husband, and he will begin to love you deeply. Insha Allah, this dua will fill your husband’s heart with a lot of love.
All these dua to break a engagement relationship or a Couple are extremely powerful and effective. But it would be good if you take proper consultation from any experienced maulvi ji who has immense knowledge of all these duas. And our maulvi ji is best in this field. He has experience of so many years and he will recommend the most suitable dua for you as per your situation. And soon you will get to see the positive results. For contacting him simply give a ring on his number or drop a text. You will get his number from our website.