Are you looking for do logo ko alag karne ki dua, wazifa? If yes then this article is for you. There are time when we need to use effective dua wazifas. Because islamic wazifa are extremely powerful and show results very quickly.
Effective Dua Separation can be used to separate two people or to separate a husband and wife. Use our breakup dua. We all have times in our lives when we feel isolated. Our lover begins dating someone else. In addition, a third party intrudes on the privacy and love of a married couple. Bonds are broken as a result of this. As a result, the two people walk away from each other.

Is your husband or wife having an affair with someone else?
Do you have evidence that your partner is in a relationship with someone else?
Do you want your person to focus solely on you and your relationships and not on others’?
Do you want to leave the person and separate if they are with someone else?
If your answers to these questions are yes, you should recite the Dua to Break Up a Couple or Separate Two People for your purpose. If you want to end your partner’s illegal relationship with someone, you should take an action. Otherwise, the person will leave your life, and you will have to live the rest of your life alone. You must use the Dua to Break Up a Couple or Separate Two Persons to end someone else’s unwanted relationships with your loved one. Do you want to know how to separate two people by using dua so that you can keep your partner away from any extramarital affair or illegal relationship with someone else? Then you must take the necessary steps to ensure the success of your dua by following all of the procedures listed below. • First and foremost, you should perform an ablution
• After that read Durood Shareef for 11 times.
• Then say “Bismillah hir Rahman nirRaheern” for ten times.
• After that, repeat Durood Shareef for 11 times more.
• Finally, recite Surah-al-Mulk Verse No.15 for 11 times. If you go through all of the steps with a holy heart and a noble intention, you will get a positive result, and your person whom you want to separate from illegal relationship will undoubtedly come to you and start loving you. Another powerful dua to separate two person
• Perform Fjar Namaz first of all.
• Then say Al-Masad (1–5) for twenty times.
• Now recite the Ayat which is mentioned below for sixty times. Ushoor Ulham Iltam Idersatan Suderhalam Ulham Surha Durhoom Ikthekkar Arham!!
• Finally, pray to Allah for the separation of those two persons. For centuries, this method has been considered one of the best ways to solve the separation problem. Furthermore, it always yields positive results. So, if you want to break up a couple or separate, you can use this dua. All you need to do is have faith and perform these rituals wholeheartedly and faithfully while keeping a positive attitude. And your intentions must be pure and honest.
• If you want to split up a couple or separate two people, recite Surah Al-Kahf Verse (1-5) for ten times. You can also recite Ayat to separate two people or break up a couple. “Wama tawfeeqee illa billahiAAalayhi tawakkaltu wa-ilayhi oneeb,” it says. If you do this correctly for one week and have faith in Almighty Allah, you will see results within one week. With the use of this powerful dua and the pure intention of your heart, your partner will be separated from that another person and he will return back to your arms for sure.
Dua to separate a couple:
You can use dua to separate a couple if you want to end a relationship or if your husband or wife is having an affair with someone else. It will never have a negative impact on you because you care about them and do not want them to have a bad life.
You will be alone for the rest of your life if you do not take decisive action soon. So, if you want to be in a relationship with the person you love, you can use this dua.
Reciting the above dua with complete dedication will bring your lover back into your life and end your loneliness. You will soon see positive results from the dua. If you recite the above dua, it will automatically end your husband’s or wife’s illegal relationship. They’ll lose interest in one another.Marriage is widely acknowledged to be one of the purest forms of relationships. Any loving couple wishes to depart in peace with their partner. However, circumstances may arise in which the person is diverted from their intended path and takes a wrong turn. This dua is beneficial in getting them back on track.
Dua for separation:
Also, Dua For Separation can be used in cases of: If you love someone but they don’t love you back or are in love with someone else. You want to split them up. Also, if someone close to your friend is wronging him or her, you should separate them. Make the given separation dua with a pure heart. !!Alam tara kaifa ala rabbuka bi ashaabil feel, Alam yaj al kai dahum fee tad leel, m Wa arsala alaihim tairan abaabeel, Tar meehim bi hi jarratim min sij jeel, Faja alahum ka asfim m akool!!
• Begin by reciting Durood Shareef or Salavat
• Secondly, recite Surah Lahab for 500 times in total.
• Again, repeat Durood Shareef and Salavat.
• Make a separation dua.
• Then repeat Surah Nisaa’s 45th verse for 121 times Inshallah, those two persons will be separated. With a crystal heart, recite the dua for separation. Maintain your faith in the power of this Dua for separation and Allah. Then you will undoubtedly get the desired results.