Losing someone close to you is a difficult thing to deal with. Wazifa for ex love back, We understand how difficult it is to recover from a breakup. But you must understand that every relationship will have ups and downs. And you should not give up on your relationship when your relationship is going through a tough time. If you are serious about your relationship and want to get back your ex love at any cost, our experienced molvi ji is here with his powerful wazifas to get ex love back, islamic dua to get your love back in 3 days, and so on. All you need to do is to trust on him and the wazifa and have to perform all the rituals whole heartedly.
Why you should follow our best wazifa for getting back your ex love:
All of the wazifas and duas listed below are given by our best molvi ji and are completely halal and taken from the Quran sharif. These wazifas will not only help you to get back your lost love, but will also strengthen your bond with your partner for the rest of your life. If you perform all of these Dua, Wazifa with complete faith in Allah, you will undoubtedly get your lost love back for the rest of your life. In addition, your partner will love you even more than before.

Some of the best wazifas to get your lost love back:
The following are our some of the best wazifas, which will help you to get your lost love back:
Wazifa for lost love back:
In the memory of Allah Tallah recite “subḥaan-allaahi wa biḥamdihi wa subḥaan-allaahil-‛aẓeem for 101 times. You need to practice this wazifa for at least 15 days. Whatever the reason, if you perform Islamic Wazifa for getting your love back with your heart and strong desire, it should work like magic. Within few days your lover will return to your life. Contact our molvi ji if you want immediate and powerful results.
Islamic dua to get back lost love:
This Dua must be performed after the Isha Night Prayer. You must recite ‘Valar Umar Zeen Kaleef’ at least 300 times. If you follow the instructions correctly, this dua should start working within a week. Your lover will soon come back to you.
Dua for bring lost love back in Urdu:
You can easily get back your ex love by reciting Urdu dua Al-Ahzab for one week or reciting “Qwata Illa Baillahil wa Naseer” for 124 times per day. Perform this ritual with a pure heart and faith in Allah tallah. Also, do it properly and soon your lover will come back to you.
Most effective wazifa for lost love back:
You can perform this Strong Wazifa for the return of a lost love in three days. This wazifa is known as the most effective wazifa for love back. After fajar prayer, you must read this wazifa for love back. Three times through Durood e Ibhrahimi. Then recite Surah Yasin verse 61 for 21 times. Then read Durood E Ibhrahimi three times more. Finally, make a dua to Almighty Allah to give you back your ex love.
Wazifa for love back in one day:
If there has been a random misunderstanding, conflict in your love life, and you and your lover have been separated, then you should practice wazifa to get love back instantly, and your lover will return to you Insha Allah. Simply practice the powerful wazifa for love back in one day with the right intention and your lover will return to you. Things will be much better between you two than they were before.
If you are unable to perform the rituals and wazifas properly or if you are facing any problem, please contact us and speak with our expert molvi ji. He will make the necessary arrangements for you so that you can get back your lost love. If you truly want to bring your love back into your life, don’t put it off any longer. Just speak with our experienced molvi ji and tell him about your problems. He will be the guiding light and an instrument of Allah Tallah in restoring your love life.